I have a little bit of a back log of tests that I’ve gotten done, but just decided to work on it to get them done more quickly….
I had quite a few people ask me about crossfire latency after doing 2.4ghz frsky video. I finally got a crossfire setup and had some time to run my latency tests.
For a full description of the test, check out my previous test with frsky. https://youtu.be/hCX2Qi51ZtU
Short descriptions is I used a signal generator to send a throttle pulse every 1-1.5s. Pulse went over the air to be received by the RX and passed on to Betaflight. Betaflight then increased all 4 motors. I have a logic analyzer on the motor line to record when the motors increased from idle by decode dshot commands.
Crossfire Latency Test
Frsky Latency Test
End to End Latency
Opentx Crossfire 150Hz 9-21ms
Opentx Crossfire 50Hz 17-41ms
Ersky9x Crossfire 150Hz 9-19ms
DeviationTx Crossfire (testbuild) 8-26ms
Frsky 2.4GHz
Opentx FrskyX X4R Sbus 23-41ms
Opentx FrskyX X4R Fport 18-37ms
Ersky9x FrskyX X4R Fport 13-24ms
Ersky9x FrskyX SPI RX 11-22ms
DeviationTx FrskyX (Custom unreleased Build) 6-17ms
Ersky9x needs one of the recent builds with “double rates”
Crossfire is faster for most people moving from Opentx frskyX. Ersky9x on a Taranis only a bit slower then Crossfire. (Unreleased so far, but a slightly modified deviationTx is actually faster then crossfire)
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